Design Thinking for Social Transformation

Design Thinking applied to Social Transformation makes the social innovation process more accessible, explicit and applicable in multidisciplinary projects. For projects with a social profile, Mindshake has developed a new model, Social Evolution 6. 

With this model, Mindshake supports public and private organisations in the development of products, services and management models, which have a positive social impact on their internal ecosystem or in their community.


Mindshake works with and for organisations (public and private sector) and believes that each project or training is unique. 

The Design Thinking for Social Change is available in various formats and supports the development of projects with social impact.


Variable-length according to the organisation’s goals (face to face, online and blended):

  • Customized
  • Sprint – 8 hours
  • Walk – 21 hours
  • Marathon – 35 hours
  • Building projects with clients for social transformation in their organisation. The length of these projects is determined according to predefined goals.

  • New product and service concepts for private and public organisations. For this purpose, Mindshake counts on a wide network of creative thinkers and specialists, the composition of the team depending on the profile of the project and the company.



  • Introduction to Design Thinking applied to Social Innovation projects
  • Social Transformation using the Social Evolution 6 Model
  • Design Thinking within the scope of corporate social responsibility
  • Design Thinking applied to the transformation of Education
  • Customized lectures
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Programa de Aceleração e Ideação – Design Thinking para a Inovação Social | Projeto Adélia

03/03/2020 read more
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Com métodos fundamentados em investigação científica, criamos propostas de desenvolvimento do pensamento criativo para grupos de trabalho.

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